Everything you need to keep flying.
Wherever. Whenever.

Jeppesen has a long and proven track record in providing Dispatch Certification training, helping to prepare flight dispatchers worldwide to take the written, oral and practical exams leading to the issuance of an aircraft dispatcher license.

AOC Indoctrination (FOM-1)

This course is a prerequisite for individuals seeking other NAA Dispatch Certificates, held in locations outside the United States.


FAA Dispatch Certification
(FOM-2 or VLP )

This course provides the necessary background to earn the FAA dispatcher certificate, or a license issued through other NAA.



FAA Dispatch Certification (FOM-2A)

This 2-week advanced course is for graduates of Jeppesen Virtual Learning Program and applicants with significant experience and ATP knowledge levels.


FAA Dispatch Certification (FOM-2B)

This course is an advanced 80-hour instructor-led course that provides the necessary knowledge to earn the FAA aircraft dispatcher certificate or a license issued through other NAA.



FAA Dispatch Recurrent Training (DRT)

This course is designed to provide dispatchers and flight operations officers with refreshed knowledge on a range of subjects, with a focus on improving operational safety and efficiency.



International Flight Operations (IFO)

This course provides the fundamentals of international flight operations, track systems, FANS, oceanic and polar flight planning, international aviation law and ICAO rules and regulations, and contingency planning essentials.



Charts and Navigation Workshop (CNW)

This course teaches experienced chart users insights into critical information of the procedures depicted on Jeppesen charts. It also provides an overview of various ICAO and local rules/regulations



SEVIS I-20 Fee

This is a processing fee for International  students who want to come to the U.S under the I-20 Visa.

