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Commercial Pilot Airman Certification Standards (ACS)10735873FAA ACS provides clear information on what an applicant must know, consider, and do to qualify for the instrument rating.$10.96Item added to your shopping cart.
Commercial Pilot FAA Airman Knowledge Test Guide E-book11280146
Study questions for the Commercial Pilot FAA Knowledge exam, with answers and explanations.
$20.96Item added to your shopping cart. -
Europe and Mediterranean IFR Enroute Low Annual Services - Paper Charts10012894_10011147Low altitude enroute charts for Albania, Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Canary Islands, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kosovo, Lebanon, Libya, Luxembourg, Macedonia (FYR), Madeira Is., Malta, Montenegro, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Kingdom.$1,612.00Item added to your shopping cart.
Canada and Alaska IFR Enroute High Annual Services - Paper Charts10012489_10011147High altitude enroute charts for Canada/Alaska.$334.00Item added to your shopping cart.
Full US Federal Aviation Regulations Annual Services - Paper Charts10012570_10011147Federal Aviation Regulations printed in traditional Jeppesen paper chart size.$314.00Item added to your shopping cart.
Canada and Alaska IFR Annual Services - Paper Charts10012515_10011147Charts for Canada and Alaska.$1,698.00Item added to your shopping cart.
Caribbean IFR Annual Services - Paper Charts10012517_10011147Charts for Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Anguilla, Aruba, Bermuda, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Netherlands Antilles, Haiti, St. Lucia, Martinique, Turks Island, Cayman Island, St. Kitts, St. Vincent, Antilles, Trinidad, Jamaica, Caicos Island, Guadeloupe, Tobago.$828.00Item added to your shopping cart.
Alaska Airport Qualification Annual Services - Paper Charts (AAKAAF)10012631_10011147Select airports in Alaska that fall under the Airport Qualification criteria.$425.00Item added to your shopping cart.
Latin America IFR Enroute High/Low Annual Services - Paper Charts10012895_10011147High/low enroute charts for Mexico, Bermuda, Central America and the Caribbean Islands. Includes Colombian and Venezuelan Ports of Entry.$364.00Item added to your shopping cart.
China IFR Enroute High/Low Annual Services - Paper Charts10012907_10011147High/low altitude enroute charts for China (P.R. of) International Routes and Airports, Hong Kong, Korea (P.D.R. of), Mongolia and Macau.$493.00Item added to your shopping cart.
GeneralHP Text IFR Paper Chart Services10012546_10011147HP general text pages for all HP coverage areas.$559.00Item added to your shopping cart.
Canada and Alaska IFR Enroute Low Annual Services - Paper Charts10012893_10011147Low altitude enroute charts for Canada and Alaska.$524.00Item added to your shopping cart.
Instrument Rating Airman Certification Standards (ACS)10735872FAA ACS provides clear information on what an applicant must know, consider, and do to qualify for the instrument rating.$10.96Item added to your shopping cart.
Private Pilot Airman Certification Standards (ACS)10735871FAA ACS provides clear information on what an applicant must know, consider, and do to qualify for the Private Pilot certificate.$10.96Item added to your shopping cart.
South America IFR Enroute High/Low Annual Services - Paper Charts10012897_10011147High/low altitude enroute charts for Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela, Panama.$504.00Item added to your shopping cart.
Canada Airport Qualification Annual Services - Paper Charts10012606_10011147Select airports in Canada that fall under the Airport Qualification criteria.$534.00Item added to your shopping cart.
Canada and Alaska IFR HP-6000 Annual Services - Paper Charts10012536_10011147Charts for Canada and Alaska.$1,610.00Item added to your shopping cart.
Africa IFR Enroute Low Annual Services - Paper Charts10012904_10011147Low altitude enroute charts for Africa continental, Cape Verde, Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion, Saudi Arabia (west coast), Seychelles, Yemen. (Includes H/L Charts. Does not include Africa Enroute high altitude charts.)$1,039.00Item added to your shopping cart.
Western USA IFR Annual Services - Paper Charts10012588_10011147Charts for AZ, CA, CO, ID, MT, NM, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY.$911.00Item added to your shopping cart.
Eastern Europe Special IFR Enroute High Supplement Annual Services - Paper Charts10012493_10011147High altitude enroute supplement for Bulgaria, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia. Also includes Terminal Charts for Kaliningrad.$493.00Item added to your shopping cart.